Welcome to Vedic Official Website

Welcome. This is the official website of Government of Vedistan Empire. Vedistan Empire is a new micronation founded on 16th January 2011. To know what is a micronation- check What is a micronation, to know more about Vedistan- click About us and if you want to become citizen of Vedistan you can click to Become Citizen.

Official Missions

1. To Establish a 100% Hindu nation.

2.  Restore Sanskrit in form of Modern Sanskrit. Simpler and Better then even Classical Sanskrit.

3. To ensure that new Hindu nation is based on the principles of scientific development, economic progress, military development, National Utopia and dignity.

4. To ensure spread of Hindu culture, message of Vedas, Hindu tradition and knowledge.

5. To re-setup Nalanda University. First Online and then Offline(real).

6.  To spread the feelings of dignity and nationalism in Hindu minds.

7. To end the influence of  Western Culture and tradition on Hindu.


-वन्दे मातरम


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