Join Us! Become a Vedic Citizen!

Are you a proud Hindu and Want to help us to fulfill our mission? Why not be our citizen? It's free and you wouldn't need to do much word! 

You may think what can I do by being a citizen?

1. You would get house when Vedistan's island is completed 10% cheaper(if you are active at forums.)

2. Access to our forum.

3. You may help us. Like if you are programmer then you can help us in our software development, can help us by giving ideas, etc.


So what you are waiting for? Join  us!


Don't   worry we don't share your information with any third party. It would be safe with us.


Contact Form

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Date of Birth (With Year): *
Favorite Deity(Ex- Vishnu, Shiv, Krishna, etc..): *
Qualification(s)[Both Formal and Informal): *
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